Written By: Sarah Beth Sheridan Lelo

Photo Source: https://www.rexburgstandardjournal.com/news/local/country-music-singer-brett-young-coming-to-byu-i-campus/article_1759d172-5bb9-11ee-b1d7-cb5dc6245b46.html

Country Singer Lights Up Rexburg

On Saturday, October 7th 2023, thousands of university students, faculty, and community members shuffled into BYU-Idaho Center Stage to see Brett Young perform. Loud chatter and smiling faces in the crowd waited anxiously as the audience lights dimmed as evidence the concert was beginning.

First performer: Griffen Palmer warming up the audience

Canadian singer Griffen Palmer was first to join the stage. Playing covers for popular songs as well as original songs from his album titled Unlearn, the audiences excitement continued to grow. Griffen Palmer was followed by Pop singer, Jake Scott. Performing his viral songs such as Good Day and Favorite T- Shirt, many individuals in the crowd joined in with the singer. The audience was given the opportunity to hear an unreleased song from the artists new album, Lavender, coming out on October 20th 2023.

Crowd stands to sing along with artist Jake Scott

The grand finale performance of Brett Young included majority of the audience on their feet singer along to the famous country singer. Brett Young calling the audience, “[His] favorite crown of the year”, only brought the energy in Center Stage to an all time high. Singing his famous songs was a top moment of the night, but Young’s kind heart shined as he introduced his band to perform without him as well as his backstage crew, giving them the opportunity to shine on their own.

“Music is the great uniter. An incredible force. Something that people who differ on everything and anything else can have in common.”

Sarah Dessen, Just Listen

Just as the quote from Sarah Dessen states, the thousands of different individuals ranging in many age groups and personal beliefs all were unified through the wonderful performance from Griffen Palmer, Jake Scott, and Brett Young. The small town of Rexburg could feel the energy from the concert. In the two hours of the concert, the thousands in attendance were all connected through music.

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